The Jar of Life & Perspective
The Jar of Life & Perspective.
Imagine there is a glass jar along with rocks, pebbles & some sand.
If we start filling the jar with rocks & pebbles first then we might get some space for sand to fit in. However , if we start filling the jar with sand first then we will not have any space left for rocks and pebbles.
The glass jar represents your life and the big rocks can be your family, friends, health.Pebbles can be the other important things that matters such as your wealth, job etc. Sand represents less important things in your life such as your possessions. It all fits well when you put the rock first into the jar, then pebbles and then sand.
Likewise if in your life, if you fill it with smaller things, you won’t have the energy, space & time to focus on the bigger stuff which are the most important part of your life. So, Identify your rocks and fill your life with rocks first such as family, health, self love etc. then focus on the tiny parts.
Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness.